JYK x Batik Durian Lubuklinggau SS 22 Milan

JYK Announces its Fashion Show debut at Milan Fashion Week

JYK is a Jakarta – Indonesia – based fashion label, proudly announces its Fashion Show debut at Milan Fashion Week this September 21st, 2021 at 5 PM at the Palazzo Visconti di Modrone, Via Cino del Duca 8, 20122, Milan – Italy.

“Revolutionary Hope” is the theme of the collection with inspiration from 70’s Punk style mixed for the first time with Batik – a traditional fabric from Indonesia. JYK aims for a better fashion future by using sustainable natural fabrics such as raw silk, organza silk, cottons and vegan leather made from the waste of coffee and vegetables. The batik itself is made from cotton and silk with eco friendly colouring techniques, using areca palm fruits, the waste of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum, in English it is called stinky beans, a species of a flowering tree from the pea family Fabaceae) and mango leaves.

The meaning of Revolutionary means causing a complete or dramatic change; Revolutionary hope means the always renewed hope to be able to always adjust with dramatic changes in life. The Pandemic is making dramatic changes to everyone’s life in the world. We suffer and hope for the freedom to have life back as it used to be. We want to rebel over the situation but it has been said that “If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system, that’s much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.” And the hopeless didn’t revolt because revolution is an act of hope!” This collection is an expression of a rebellion over the Pandemic and that we’ll respond to the pain gracefully by changing what we can change, which is our own mind, so to always renew our hope that everything happened for a reason and everything will work together for our good.

In this collection, hope is represented by a circle/ round shape that is used literally and also in pattern techniques. The circle/round shape means a whole protection; if we have a hope, we’ll have a positive mind and happy heart : “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

Inspired by Batik Lubukinggau; a modern hand drawn batik founded by Rina Prana a spouse of City Mayor of the region of Lubuk Linggau in South Sumatra – Indonesia, an area distinct with durian fruits and its flowers as the main batik’s pattern. Durian is well known as “kings of fruit” – it’s a large, spiky, greenish-brown fruit that is well-loved in its native Southeast Asia and who could guess that inside the spiky fruit has a texture like custard with a sweet delicious unique flavour.

The philosophy of the spiky durian actually aligns with the Punk inspiration for the collection and also represents a hope that the pandemic will end as sweet as a ripe Durian; everything actually works together for our own good.

About The Brand

JYK is a ladies ready to wear brand whose brand DNA picks inspiration from authentic traditional Indonesian heritage.
This label is a kaleidoscope of youth culture movements and subversion . JYK’s women are audacious, full of energy and have left field thinking. She is always in control and always makes the most of every situation. She is extremely positive and what she says to herself matters more than what people say about her.

JYK stands for Jenny Yohana Kansil as the designer of the brand. She is an alumni of several prestigious fashion schools in Italy and London. As an Alumni of Istituto di Moda Burgo, she was trusted to open Istituto di Moda Burgo in Indonesia and with a combination of unique experiences in Finance, Psychology and the Fashion field, Jenny Yohana Kansil is a designer, a business woman, a mother and an educator.

JYK office Contact
Cyber 2 Building, 18 th Floor,
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kav 13,
12950 Jakarta, INDONESIA
E-mail : Jyk@imbindonesia,com
Website : www. Jykbrand.com
Phone : +628111877707
+39 345 763 8744

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